Saturday 24 September 2011

A fan picture depicting my death.

This is just a short entry to post up a fan picture from RubyTed in response to the blog entries 'this woman wants to wear my skin like a glove' and 'I'd probably get a boob job if it meant a week off work'. Obviously the high standard of art quality set out by stationery girl are hard to achieve but kudos to RubyTed for trying:

This picture is clearly lacking the intricate details of the work it imitates but it is still a fine piece of art. 'Rubyted' has perfectly captured the tumour I have on my left shoulder and the way my turkey thin neck sits slightly to the right of my collar. Stationery girl also seems to be missing an eye which might explain why she has chosen to kill me with a gardening trowel. It appears 'Rubyted' is also under the impression that stationery girl doesn't own shoes or teeth, which would go some way to explaining her slightly unhinged personality. 

I would love to hear from fans of the blog if only the prove that it isn't just me viewing it! So if you want to get in touch please do so! You can leave a comment or follow me on twitter (theMatty_p_b). Thanks again to 'Rubyted' for her addition! 

1 comment:

  1. What a talented drawing! Someone is a very skilled artist!!


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